Let’s talk about SEX Education — Boulder Future Salon with Mark Finnern! Friday 6pm PST Feb 11th, 2022
Spatial Chat link: https://spatial.chat/s/boulderfuture
The Boulder Future Salon participants requested one around Education. Please welcome San Francisco Future Salon Founder Mark Finnern as the main presenter covering the following education topics:
- Future of K-12 Synthesis, Outschool, Neighborhood schools
- Cohort Based Learning as the Future of Learning?
- Edutainment 3.0 is the Future of Learning?
- Why curiosity may kill a cat, but life-long learning will keep you alive.
- Ivy league education is a waste of time and money! (can’t wait for that conversation :-)
- <your topic here. Ping us if you want to present a topic/case around learning/education>
We would like a really engaging Future Salon. This is why we try out the following format: a 5-minute presentation per topic, followed by a 5-minute conversation with everyone, with the opportunity to extend that conversation by another 5 minutes if the interest is high.
Mark once flew in John Taylor Gatto from New York to a Future of Education Future Salon. Inspired by that Salon Mark developed the following TEDx talk: 5 Ideas to Bring All of Our Schools Into the 21st Century. Mark also briefly worked for Outschool and is currently advising Hi-flier, a startup with a platform that supports Project Based Learning.
As we are Futurists, we experiment and try out new things. Spatial chat promises to give us a more conversational experience, this is why we are trying it out this time.
As the Future Salon is in the tradition of French Salons and Vienna Coffeehouses during the Enlightenment, Mark suggested we move it to Friday evening at 7:00 pm Colorado time 6pm PST. Bring your favorite beverage.
Mark will extend this invitation to the Bay Area Future Salon community. Going to be super interesting. We can’t wait to welcome you!