Beautiful Juggling Trick/GIF Animation

Martin Frost who is running the Stanford Court Juggler Wednesday meetings send me this nice little juggling trick/animated GIF. It is located here, although I doesn’t look like they created it. Would love ot give the right person credit. Let me know if you know and I will update here.  


Dusted off the Unicycle today

Spent half of the morning to drool over the pictures and stories of NUT the Norwegian Unicycle Tour. They did a 20 day adventure in Norway cycling up to 100km per day. That is quite an accomplishment. If you have never ridden a unicycle, there is no freewheel, no relaxing of your legs when going downhill, some muscles are always engaged. The …


NPR Fresh Air with Stephen Kinzer

On the way home yesterday I listened to an interview with Stephen Kinzer, who wrote the book: All the Shah’s Men: An American Coup and the Roots of Middle East Terror. It tells the story on how the CIA together with the British toppled the democratic elected president Mossadegh of Iran in 1953. He makes the case that this “success” was the blueprint …

Charity Focus hosts Subba Rao

I have followed the work of the Charity Focus people from the far for a while and they really do amazing stuff. Tomorrow they host Subba Rao:When a group of bandits harasses travelers, most worry about their safety. If you’re Subba Rao, you’d follow them to mountain caves and confront them, armed with nothing but a bag of candy and …

Monsters of Accordion

In Germany Accordion used to have a really bad reputation of being the instrument that kids get forced by their parents to play stale tunes on. Lately all the local bands that I like most have an Accordion player. It is the coolest instrument. Check it out for yourself at the Monsters of Accordion, where three of the bests will …

Wired News: Online Voters Lean to Dean

The outcome of the internet ballot does not surprise me. I am intrigued by Dean’s grassroots campaign heavily using internet tools like mailing lists, weblog, small video clips and Meetup. Dean emerged as front runner by a wide margin, with 44 percent of the vote. Ohio Congressman Dennis Kucinich came in second, with 24 percent of the vote, followed by …

Reconstructive suggestions [1].

Reconstructive suggestions. In this morning’s New York Times, Thomas Friedman busts the Pentagon for the obvious: The Bush Pentagon went into this war assuming that it could decapitate the Iraqi army, bureaucracy and police force, remove the Saddam loyalists and then basically run Iraq through the rump army, bureaucracy and police. Wrong. What happened instead was that they all collapsed, …

I almost forgot : California Poppies

To the left and the right you see my first California Poppies blossoming in my front yard. Grown out of seeds that my neighbor John, Shawn and I sow only a couple of weeks ago. So beautiful. It is after all the official California State Flower. Some say it is endangered, so you are not allowed to pick it. If …

Monopoly or Democracy? (

Even Ted Turner is voicing his opposition to the expected Monday’s FCC ruling that one company can own all newspaper, radio and TV stations in one area, and he is a major stock owner in one of the big 5 media companies.