Toy Rocket Rocks

Dragged Nina out of the house this afternoon to the sound of a toy rocket shooting into the sky. Turns out Santa brought one to Skyler a nice kid from the neighborhood. He and his father were shooting the rocket into the sky  from the school yard across our street. Of course we joined the fun for a while, until …

Building a Carboard Box House

If you have a couple of hours a box cutter and a big cardboard box, you can have a lot of fun creating a little house with your kid(s). The Flickr set can give you some inspiration. In short: Take off the flaps of the box; cut out an upside J for the door on one side; don’t forget a …

Transeamus – Best Christmas Song You Never Heard

The big night for German Christmas is the 24th, as the Christkind is bringing the presents that evening and for the first time the Christmas tree is revealed, in most cases lit with real candles. In the early evening there is excitement in the whole house. People are wrapping presents, putting on their Sunday best or practicing one last time …

‘S-capades’… of her hands and mind

My sister Sabina the artist. She doesn’t like that label, but it is time to call a spade a spade.  For as long as I have known her, which is going towards half a century any year now, she had an eye for beauty and cool ideas. One day for example she saved a birch tree stem, cut it to …

Christmas Donuts

Last Sunday we where in San Francisco and ended up on Union Square. Even though it was the week before Thanksgiving, therefore mid November, they were already busy setting up the Christmas tree. There were even some protesters holding up signs against this tendency to start Christmas earlier and earlier in the season. I am just glad that there is …

Phone Volunteering for Obama: Racism + Hope

Ever since I read The Amazing Money Machine article in the Atlantic I was intrigued about how his campaign is using social software functionality to create that machine. This machine has the potential to stay engaged after the election and bring real democracy to America. How cool would that be? As a Community Guy I am of course fascinated by …


Gladiator versus Barn Raising InnoCentive versus ESME style Innovation

With InnoCentive we at he SAP Community Network have introduced a new way to innovate. At the same time and place SAP TechEd in Las Vegas, ESME was introduced that is built on a different innovation model. This blog is trying to look at the two models and what the consequences are if you choose one over the other. Just …


Wee Sing

My favorite quote from They Might Be Giants is:  Music self-played is Happiness self-made. I recently heard a neuro scientist say that we probably developed singing in parallel to speaking and that you can’t destinguish a scientist’s brain from an average brain, but you can tell the difference of a musician’s brain because certain areas in the brain are further …

Community Research by Rubicon Consulting

When we started SDN and I joined the team, there was Harry Max consulting for O’Reilly. He helped me tremendously to grow into the community guy that I became. Tonight I had the chance to be part of en event where his new stomping ground Rubicon Consulting was introducing research they did around Online Communities. Here are my running notes: …