We won’t deny our consciences

Prominent Americans have issued this statement on the war on terror. It is depressing that they need the Guardian, a British newspaper, to get it published.

Slowly I am getting better…

Slowly I am getting better with this Radio blogging software. Just switched on the [comment] feature for my posts. Nice. How do I update all of my previous posts now?



 The news that the Bush administration tried to kill Hekmatyar almost did not make my radar screen. Given, Hekmatyar is an evil man. So put him on trial and behind bars. How much better then the other side are we, with actions like that?

Voice your opinion and your ad gets dropped from Google

Bummer. Ad censorship at Google. I liked Anita’s work until she promoted self tanning lotion. Just didn’t fit with all the other plain natural products she offered so I lost interenst and the Body Shop a customer. Today Anita is dispatching an olive branch to Google reminding us that Google is still one of the good ones on the internet for …

Bay Area Futurist Salon

It took a while, but as I promised in January, I started a monthly Futurist Salon. We met already two times and the discussions where great. Check it out.

Wow, finally I am back…

Wow, finally I am back to blogging. Radio had lots of problems yesterday, because I did not post for exactly one month, or so I think. Everything I wrote ended up under April 21st instead of May 21st. It feels good to be back. (Not a lot of time to post though)

O.K. now I found this…

O.K. now I found this upstreaming switch in the radio taksbar. May be that does the trick. I remember that I once played around with it.

There used to be more…

There used to be more detail in the events log. Now it is only pointing to the wrong results on my outside server. Grrr. Updated the ftp preferences again.