Video of Nina’s first Bicycle Ride

After I picked up Nina from her School, we picked up some bread, cold cuts and water for a hearty Vesper that we took on the big school yard playground across the street.

Little background to the bike: I got it from a garage sale, took the pedals off, so that she could get comfortable learning how to balance while still having both feet on the ground.

Last weekend I put the pedals back on and added the large handle to the back of the seat, so that I am able to follow and correct her worst off balance rides.

I wasn’t finished with my sandwich yet, but she wanted to continue to bike. I put her helmet back on and thought I just let her try get on the bike without me breathing down her neck, in a minute I will be there.

Next thing I know she is pedaling all over the school yard. I literally just took my cell phone, switched it to video and tried to follow her.

It was actually tough to keep up and half way through I thought: “Oh no, this will end in a crash”, and was close to grab the handle, but she was too fast. The video looks extra shaky as it was taken with my phone, she was in control the whole time.

Love her giving comments to her own ride at the end too. Excellent.

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